Still sugar-free

Im still sugar-free.... it's just not very interesting to keep posting every meal so Im trying to spare you the boredom.

ok, ok, I confess: Today I had a LARA bar....

and although I dont want to rely on these, I dont feel bad eating them since they're
1) raw,
2) made up of whole, simple ingredients,
3) truly no-sugar-added.
It has chocolate in it but it's unsweetened - no sugar added to that chocolate, which is hard to find! (I looked up unsweetened cocoa to make sure it was truly unsweetened)

I was extra hungry today for some reason - I think it's the cool weather we've been having the past couple days. I really wanted chips or something to that effect...
I'm going to try to find a great "chip" recipe so I can make some next time I feel that craving..... its just hard because I didnt crave them until today at work. but the Lara bar hit the spot perfectly :)

I unintentionally went without coffee today.
well... semi-unintentionally.

I didnt feel like I needed it, but made a small cup anyway to drink to rev me through the day, but I made it and took a sip..... no bueno!! So I didnt finish it.

Part of it was probably because I let it sit for a while before drinking it, but mainly I think it was because I was drinking stumptown all last week and it was sooooooo goood!
Now my tastebuds are spoiled.
....and another reason is because the bag I opened today was (sealed!) from February!

I was saving it because its my favorite coffee, Casi Cielo, that is only seasonal and I dont know, I wanted to save it...for some reason!
Bad idea.
Don't save things! Enjoy them!!!

Lesson of the day.

However, incredibly, I havent really felt tired at all.....other than the occasional (temporary) bout of sleepiness.

Just got off "work," and now going to pick up a few things at the store, cook and try to squeeze a run in before the show tonight!


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