Ohhh, Life............

Life is funny.
How quickly things change.
How priorities change with age, time, wisdom, experience. How age is relative.

When I was younger, I thought/planned/hoped I would be married by 25 and starting to have kids by 30. I did.NOT. want to be older than 30 before having kids because...that was too old.

Now, I'm 26 1/2 (also, remember when you would round your age up to the most exact amount: 6 and 3/4, etc) and nowhere near getting married (but hoping it will be around the time I'm 30 and hoping to have kids before 35). I wonder how that number will change...

It's interesting to think about how sometimes time moves forward but your goals stay stationary; almost like a _____, frozen in time to revisit from the future.


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