
I've been getting all this great food from farmers markets and the store (acorn squash, eggplant, sweet potato) with the good intentions of making something delicious and nutritious with it but have just been EXHAUSTED all week (I had too much fun over the weekend and not enough rejuvenation for the week...) so I have been putting it off.
I made this salmon and (over) pasta last night that was delicious, but it was kind of ...um, un-momentous?

So today when I was reading my favorite blog, Kath Eats Real Food, I saw she made sweet potato enchiladas. and they looked sooooo good that I thought that would be perfect to make! I really in the mood for a good hearty meal for the first official day of fall....

I altered recipe (as is my nature), and used acorn squash (keeping with the autumnal equinox vibe) instead of the sweet potato like she did and added zucchini, mushrooms and kale, and red sauce and a tiny bit of cheddar on top.... so really I didnt use her recipe hardly at all - haha. It was just my inspiration :)
I also used this recipe as a guide, but more so as a how-to for the acorn squash part; I didnt really follow it either....

Ummm, DA-Licious! I gobbled up this half- umm.....tortilla amount, or whatever... but will definitely dig into the other half in a few minutes.
oh! and I forgot! I was going to put avocado on top and forgot...how could that have happened?!? so I put a few slices on the next little bit :)
It is weird, there were bites that tasted salty ---but I didnt put any salt in. the enchilada sauce definitely has a LOT of sodium, but I only used about 5oz... rather than the whole can like you're typically supposed to. maybe it's the squash? who knows... it wasnt reallllly salty, it was just an odd taste; especially because I wasnt expecting it.

I dont have a recipe because I didnt really measure anything out (I never really do unless Im baking or it's something I've never ever cooked before) but here's a general idea:
-about half a zucchini, slivered and sauteed in olive oil with a clove of garlic
-4-5 little mushrooms, sliced and sauteed with the zucchini
-one small-ish acorn squash, baked, cubed and then pureed
-maybe about 3 big handfuls of kale, chopped
-about 2/3 -3/4 can black beans
-a few sprinkles each of cumin, cayenne, and chili powder
-about 5oz enchilada sauce, mixed with maybe 3oz water
-4 whole wheat tortillas
-about 2-3 grates of sharp cheddar cheese

Baked (@350 for 30mins), cubed and pureed the squash in a food processor while the zucchini and mushrooms sauteed, and then added it to the saute pan along with the spices and black beans. Mixed all of the above together in a bowl. Put enchilada sauce in the baking pan - just enough to cover the bottom, separated the mixture into 4 tortillas and placed them crease-side down and added a tiny bit more sauce, mixed with water to the top and sprinkled cheese on top. Baked at 350 for about 25 minutes, until bubbling.



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