indecisive wins the race?

After my run, I couldnt decide what to make - I was kind of inspired to make a few different things but I was already really hungry and didnt want to wait.... and was tired and didnt want to make the effort.

I finally settled on a sandwich but realized I didnt really have any protein source and none of my favorite falafel patties (from sunshine burgers) left -- Ive been out since this little adventure so I dont know how they hold up... but I know they are mainly whole foods so I think they're fine -- so I decided to try to make my own.

I came across a black bean-oat "burger" recipe a few days ago so I decided to make a very minimalistic (and fast!) version of that.

and minimalistic it was!
just black beans, oats, olive oil, a dab of hummus for structure and flavor and added ground wheatberries to the mix once I realized it wasnt going to be sturdy enough.
Mashed it together with my hands and put it on a skillet on the stove with a little more olive oil.

It didnt stay together very well but it was still really good (maybe I was just hungry? :)) in my sandwich with lots of spinach, tomato and avocado. sorry for the lack of pictures the past few days... I'll try to be better about that!

Sort of related but along the same lines of my earlier statements:
sugar is in EVERYTHING!!!!
I worked out last night and wasnt too hungry when I got home but I just wanted a little something to hold me over overnight. again, I couldnt decide.... and then it hit me: I would have a tiny bowl of FiberOne cereal! perfect - I already know it doesnt have any sugar in it. I have read the labels of the box many times but apparently never looked at the ingredients sections: to my devastation it has aspartame and a bunch of other crazy stuff.

I should have known because it always had a bit of a sweet taste, and I always wondered why if there was no sugar in it. so sad!
And so does so-called "sugar-free" gum. I didnt buy sugar free gum intentionally, I just got the one I liked (again, before this whole thing) and grabbed a stick before my run.

MM, I thought. I wonder if this has sugar in it...
yes!! (aspartame again! which is, in my opinion, way worse!)

In my newfound "craze" of reading everything, it's amazing what you find in the ingredients of supposedly healthy products. Its so frustrating but inspiring at the same time!


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