Day 2

Well..... I didnt go to yoga this morning... I was too tuckered out. And its probably a good thing:
I was a little bit sore from last nights class. But in a good way: I love being sore!
I can feel it in all the muscles that were tight (mostly my back!) and aching yesterday.

So I stretched a little on my own and got in the shower which always helps! :)
And, confession: I had some coffee this morning. I was feeling so beat and I knew I would not make through work without it. So just made half-a-pot instead of the full and actually only drank about 3/4 of one (14oz?) cup. and oatmeal with a blob of almond butter, walnuts and blackberries.

I was actually full about 3/4 of the way through my oatmeal so I packed it up and brought it along to work. I only had a bite around 10 and was good to go until around 12:15ish and then it was time for the soup and half-sandwich!
I added avocado to my hummus-spinach-cucumber-redpepper half sandwich, and put some quinoa and the rest of the fresh spinach left over from the sandwich in my soup tupperware last night, had a few more carrots and another orange.


and then, I got my haircut! surprise!
It was realllllllly long and starting to just get heavy and lifeless and plus I just needed a change.
I had a little afternoon pick-me-up snack of oatmeal-pumpkin muffin and half banana before to hold me over through the appointment... and got an iced green tea to help out as well. :)

this is how long it was before:
and After:
9''! whoa.
I brought it home so I could send it to locks of love, in the hopes that they will accept it, since I think its supposed to be 10" to donate.

Once I got home, I checked some emails after rushing away from work in a hurry to get to my appointment and posted my pictures to facebook :) and then was starting to get a little hungry and a little sleepy. I couldnt believe how late it was already and still wanted to work out since I knew that would relieve some of my soreness, and also because I just always feel so tight after sitting all day (ugh).

And then I remembered I had been planning to go to a show tonight (not for coverage, luckily; just for fun) so I checked to see when they were playing again and made sure this wasnt the last or only time in Portland... and lucky for me, they are playing again in early October - and with a "better" band - so I decided to just go then instead and go work out in the meantime.
It was early enough that I could have gone to workout and then gone to the show afterwards but I knew I would be really hungry after working out and thought it would be pretty awkward to take my soup along.... plus I knew I should continue to catch up on my sleep since Ive been so tired.

On my way to the gym, I saw Joel!! He got on the freeway right next to me and then merged in front of me so I called him to let him know...and to see where he was off to in such a hurry at such a late hour (8:00) on a weeknight. He didnt believe me and made me flash my lights at him to confirm. Silly, of course I know it's you: you have specialty license plates!

Had a great workout on the elliptical. Watched the end of Chelsea Lately and then the Office! I love when funny shows are on at the gym: it makes the workout sooo much better! ♥

Back home, just had another cup of soup with quinoa, broccoli and zucchini, and added avocado too!

It's funny to catch glances of myself passing mirrors: I forget I have short hair -- Good Night!


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