Day one sans sucre

Hi again!
So Im already modifying a little bit: my definition of absolutely NO sugar is definitely very black and white. I obviously cannot consume zero sugar throughout the day. Its just not realistic.
I will stick to my original goal of no added sugars and limiting them as much as possible.

However, as I said before this is not a diet. So although my main goal is to limit sugars, I will also listen to my body: if I feel like I am craving something, I wont just ignore it because experience has taught me that in those situations, if I ignore a craving, of anything: a song, a piece of clothing, whatever, that is all I can think about and then I will just go crazy. And nobody wants that....

That being said, I had a great day!
I had a delicious with my almost-gone and almost bad spinach, plus cucumber, red pepper and black beans and added avocado and tomato at work before I ate.
hehe, I pulled it out of the fridge and it looks like a smiley face! :)
and brought carrots and an orange and the last few bites of a leftover spinach and black-bean burrito (of which I didnt eat the whole thing). It was perfect.
I stayed late at work but I wanted to catch a yoga class tonight so I took the max back to my car and then "raced" over to the gym for a quick bit on the elliptical before I "jetted" over to Corepower for their 60minute HOT Yoga class. I was feeling the need for a little pick-me-up so I had some mixed nuts I had in the car: cashews and almonds (and just a few cranberries that were in the TJ's mix as well).

ahhhh, HOT yoga felt soo wonderful - I needed to s.w.e.a.t.! and I even saw Christine from book club there! :)
Im gonna try to go back again tomorrow morning for the fusion class....

I came home and was very tired but wanted to stay dedicated to this project so I made some Bob's Red Mill vegi soup. and added both the rest of my frozen spinach, and carrots.
and made some quinoa while I was cookin' to have ready to go
and also made a half sandwich to take to work tomorrow with my soup.

I sat down to enjoy a bowl of the soup in the dimly-lit dining room and caught a glimpse of my just-showered, with-still-a-towel-on-my-head silhouette in the reflection:
All I need is a crystal ball and I could tell your future! ha
Anyway, I am one sleepy lady! - g'nite!


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