ice cream doesn't have sugar in it...

I had sugar today.
Eating it right now, in fact. the form of ice cream.

Stress, lack of sleep (only a max! of 6 hours a night for the last 4 nights), and p.m.s
bad combination!

I was reeeeally craving chocolate today. To the point that I knew the craving wouldn't just magically go away. And, I know from experience that if I crave something that hard I will keep craving it until I give in and go crazy.
So I decided to nip it in the bud and indulge with just a few bites now instead of eating an entire carton (and batch of cookies) later.

So I decided on this guy:
Stonyfield 16oz After Dark Chocolate Organic Ice Cream

A local Springfield (the town next to Eugene) brand, I became familiar with the brand when I was going to school at UO. I love that they're

and, honestly, what really drew me to buy tonight was the fact that the Stonyfield brand (this flavor of ice cream) had the fewest ingredients.

All in all, even though I'm a little sad (just the tiniest bit) I broke my streak, I'm not upset about my decision. I wont let this deter me from continuing my "project" - again, I don't believe in considering it "bad" when you veer off course a little - in fact, I think it will help me continue BECAUSE I treated myself.
We all need a little wiggle room to keep things interesting :)

Anyway, even though Im STILL pretty stressed and shouldn't be taking the time to do this, I just wanted to share how things are going.
More later!


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