
It's amazing how re-reading a letter from the past can completely transport you back to that point in time, perfectly remembering a moment buried deep in your memory, dredging up feelings of love or feelings of anger. all in an instant.

For whatever reason, over the years I have saved virtually every letter, note, card ever received. (Mom.)
Through the years I have gotten rid of mass quantities but somehow there are still more.

In the effort to downsize before I move again in the next several months, I have been going through boxes determining what to trash and what to keep in the archives.
Today I came across a box of old letters, notes and cards from throughout the years.
Some are funny and ridiculous notes from elementary and middle school from friends about boys, some are everyday cards from my parents and grandparents from my years in college. But in the midst I found notes from old roommates and old friends that had long been forgotten.

Soon I was bawling as I sifted through, reading some through; sometimes crying just at the reading of the signature. Remembering all those I have loved and those who I have lost; friends who took the time to pen a letter to me, showing their care and love for me, and documenting it forever.

Even now, just a few minutes later, as I relive those moments of me sitting on the floor in the laundry room, surrounded by paper, I am once again completely moved to tears.


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