date night... with myself.

over dating - focusing on myself
dating myself.
not intentional but went to the store for coffee, decided to get some wine to drink with the (undetermined) movie I was planning to watch tonight. And then was really hungry - was going to make the frozen pizza I had but drove by a sushi place and that sounded amazing so I stopped (even though I hate getting takeout - so much waste!) and it turned into a date : )

Meanwhile, the actual reason for this post was that I was in the mood for a sad movie (what a weirdo, I know. But you know (girls!) how you get in the mood for that sometimes? ....just me? ok) and was trying to figure out what to watch.

I dont really want to BAWL the *entire* movie and not anything *tooooooo* heavy, but not a comedy. and want to watch something new.

Anyway, I looked online for ideas and most of the websites were forums, which got me thinking about MY make-you-cry everytime movies. (like in Sleepless in Seattle when she starts crying just talking about an Affair to Remember <3)

Honestly I normally avoid movies I *know* will make me bawl (like A Green Mile and Shawshank Redemption - still never seen either one!) havent watched the Pianist for the same reason.

I saw Titanic 5 times (in the theater alone) and then bought it and it still makes me cry, no matter how much I know what is going to happen. (but I havent seen it in years)
Old Yeller! (I wont watch it to this day because I have bad memories of just bawling through it.)
Wild Hearts Cant be Broken, The Lion King, Bambi...... I can't watch movies about animals - they make me cry every.single.time. even fievel goes west. ugh. sucha sucker
the Notebook, duh.
anything war related - saving private ryan, thin red line, pearl harbor. done. also: its a beautiful life! killed me!
My Girl
I remember bawling through the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (though it may have been an isolated incident, I havent watched it again to find out.)
pretty sure I cried in Motorcycle Diaries.
anything where kids die too young: The Cure!!!

(maybe this list should be what movies I *haven't* cried in! )

I will always remember Alise and I deciding to watch a movie on ondemand once, settling on "Everybody's Fine" thinking, with Drew Barrymore, it would be light-hearted enough..... No! we were both BAWLLLLLLLING - seriously sobbing. and afterwards we kept saying everybody's fine?! NOBODY's FINE!

Same thing with the movie Blow. I watched it freshman year of college and reallllllly enjoyed it! Halfway through I went to dinner with a friend and was raving about it and convinced her to come back and watch the rest of it with me and we bawled through the second half.

and a lot of it really depends on my mood.
sometimes something silly will make me cry like a baby and other time something so heavy that you would THINK would make me sob (or has made me sob!) doesnt. so weird.

What are your go-tos or notable movies that have made you cry?


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