Im dreaming of... ?

Ive been dreaming a LOT lately. Which is not really anything new. It comes and goes, and always makes me wonder: what variables cause me to remember my dreams rather than not? am I sleeping lighter? am I more stressed out?

I have been noticing that, at least the past few nights, and the dreams I have been able to recall (or at least recall that I dreamt at all), have been while I am dozing in between snoozing my alarm. Soooo, there's that.

But it also makes me think: with all the dreaming I've been doing lately, can't it be for some greater purpose?

Can't these dreams delve into my subconscious and pull out my deepest hopes and dreams, constructing them into some sort of precognitive path I can follow? (...instead of all the imaginative craziness I actually dream of.) Like a visual of my future.

You know, I hear people all the time talk about how they've always wanted to do such-and-such, or that they've always imagined themselves as ______, even if they only did it for themselves. And I cant help but feel jealous of that; I don't have a thing. A thing that drives me or that I can't imagine not doing.

I mean, I love to travel - but I also love having a home-base and not living out of a suitcase. I think it would lose it's luster if I did it alllll.the.time. no? I guess it would depend on what I would do during these trips...

I love to write and it is very cathartic for me. But what would I write about? I dont feel like I have anything to say....

But I love talking to people and researching and making sure everything looks great and there are no typos (Im the queen of finding typos)

I love educating people about.... anything. but mainly sustainability, food, health, the environment. Im not a sales person but I like to point out the facts to help people make educated decisions and not just fall for advertising spinning.

....Hmmmm, maybe I am meant to be a writer after all.

don't mean to be so annoying in my search of "myself" but it helps so bear with me....

Things Im good at:
connecting with/helping people, making people feel great/comfortable
conflict resolution/problem solving for all involved
seeing the good in things
seeing the big picture while tending to the details

seeing beauty, design/layouts


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