Earth Hour 2011

Tonight is the fourth annual celebration of Earth Hour.
At 8:30pm, local time, billions of people around the world will turn off their lights for one hour in a stand against climate change.

You may think: if billions of people are doing it... I don't have to.

Of course you don't havvvvve to, but every little bit helps.
If you can't commit to the full hour, try 30 minutes. Or turn out your lights but not your computer if that isn't possible. Every little bit helps.

You may also think: 8:30 pm?! It will be dark - how will I see? It's too early to go to bed...
Light candles, and take advantage of the quiet time. Or commit to another hour during the daylight.

We can all take steps to reduce our energy use:
unplug appliances when not in use
turn off the lights when you leave a room
turn off your computer at night
walk/bike/take public transportation
go meatless for one meal a day
bring a reusable bag to store

"Earth Hour has done a lot to raise awareness of sustainability issues. But there’s more to it than switching off lights for one hour once a year."

As important as Earth Hour is, it is even more important to put these actions into place: not just today but every. day.

I know there is a lot of "controversy" surrounding climate change but, even if you don't believe it's an issue, what's the harm in trying to make the world a better place in general?


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