no two humans are created alike...

so we shouldn't compare ourselves as if we were!

A friend of mine mentioned not too long ago that one of the reasons she quit facebook was the self-comparison that comes from it.
I actually don't experience the self-comparison much, other than the occasional minor jealousy over far-away friends seeing other far-away friends that I don't.

However, today in yoga, ....

and I realized that I cannot compare us. We are two completely different people.
Who knows how long she has been practicing yoga to get to that point.
and you know what? I ran a 15K yesterday and that is nothing to be ashamed about!

It also reminds me of *this* article/blog post I read the other day (I read a lot of blogs :))
about the correlation between yoga and self-kindness.. which I believe is true....

So self-comparison is everywhere, and while that can sometimes be an inspiration to be a better version of yourself, don't forget to love yourself and all your body can do.

Happy Monday! <3


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