World Teacher's Day!

Teachers are extremely important people.
Other than parents, they are the most influential life-shapers that guide us to read, write, be smart; to share, care, and even to teach.

Today is World Teacher's Day....
Do you have a teacher that stands out over all the rest (or several?), that shaped your life in an unbelievable way?

Tell them if you can.

Or at least take a moment and think about how they made a difference in your journey; how math was a little easier because of them, or how, because of their class, you figured out your own destiny.

Take a minute and thank them, and remember the importance of a valuable education.

Thank you to:
Sra. Pruitt
Herr Schu
Mrs. Hobson
Mrs. Sorenson
Mrs. Stipe
Mr. Keating
Mr. Cole
Mr. English
Mrs. Maloney

and all the great teachers out there!


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