"Be happy. It's one way of being wise"
It's so easy for us, yes, each and every one of us, to get up on our high horses and to think we have all the answers for everyone and everything. It's harder, but much more important, to remember that everyone does things just a little bit differently....
Yes, advice is good. But advice can turn into nagging if we're not careful and, especially unsolicited, that can turn anyone's mouth sour. So I think the key is --- not to offer any unsolicited advice, here ---- just to live for ourselves... and let others live for themselves.
That doesn't mean to be selfish or unattached, buy any means:
generously and genuinely!
Just don't keep score in your head and expect others to return those favors that you are giving.
Share your knowledge and experiences.
But remember that those were your experiences and they may not heed your advice as you believe they should.
At the same time as we give to others and make others happy, we need to give to ourselves; we need to do the things that make us happy as well!
Often, it's best to live by example:
be content with yourself,
enjoy life, be happy, embrace the positive
...and others will follow suit.
When we're happy, we're much better people to everyone we encounter and pass that happiness on without even trying.
"Be happy. It's one way of being wise." ~Colette
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