Thing I Love!

Helping people when they're lost or need directions

Finding tucked-away, forgotten-about money

When a song puts your own feelings perfectly into words

When my yogi tea fortune tells me exactly what I needed to hear, even if I didnt know I needed it
A genuinely random, out-of-the-blue-with-no-ulterior-motive, 'just because' smile from a cute stranger

When my cat knows I'm home even though I haven't made a sound

Finding hearts in things.... even if Im the only one that sees them
Hearing a song I like by an artist I didn't think I enjoyed

Feeling like you've figured things out, even if it's just temporary and your 'grand plan' may not ultimately go according to plan

Seeing beauty in the most surprising things

Being a big ol' dork and laughing about it

Creating lists of things I love


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