Letting Go...

"It'll be ok," is my general motto for life. Everything always works out as it's supposed to. and I truly believe that everything will be ok.

But sometimes, I think -- no. I know -- that I take that easygoing spirit a little too far and become a doormat.

So, how do you let the petty-yet-hurtful things that were said and done by so-called friends go without a) making a big deal about them, and b) discounting your own feelings on the matter.

Sometimes, these friends are not good enough friends yet that you feel like they wont understand; or the blow was so shocking that you dont know what to say in response to it but of course you cant bring it up again after the fact without making an unnecessarily big deal out of it.


I guess all any of us can ever do is reflect on these mistakes and hope that eventually we will actually learn from them in a constructive, balanced way (obviously, if you've been hurt - by anyone - the most logical thing is not to avoid taking those risks, but maybe be more mindful of signals, both that you are receiving, as well as sending).

We have all used and been used and it's not a good feeling on either end, but I suppose as long as it's not an intentional, malicious, pattern.... c'est la vie, eh?
It just makes you appreciate your TRUE friends a whole lot more ♥


  1. I don't think you should let hurtful things go. Speak your truth. You can do so without arguing or being rude.

    The best treatment of this subject I think comes from Buddhism, under the umbrella term "idiot compassion". Don't think I'm implying you're an idiot, read to understand - doing a quick search, here is one article on it:

    Best wishes.

  2. thanks David!
    I believe speaking "your" truth is the best way to go as well, and its a true art to do it well. Life is work in progress and we just have to give it the best we can, eh?

    Thanks again for your kind words and support.


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