Traveling Through Time

I just finished reading The Time Traveler's Wife and I loved it!

If you can't tell from the title, it's about a man that time-travels, and his wife...but it is so much more than that.
Yes, I am a hopeless romantic but I despise the dewy-eyed, overly corny, 'gushiness,' that can be easy to fall into. Thankfully, there really is very little of that here.

Ms. Niffenegger writes so beautifully and poetically while establishing each of these characters, as well as the love story that spans their entire lifetimes, almost as a third character. There is a very nice balance of portraying their undeniably deep love, as well as the realities the accompany any relationship.

The 'chapters' are scattered throughout time as Henry travels, intermixing the past, present, and, even at times, the future; the story told by both Henry and Clare, interchangeably. Each narrating as though it is being told to you in person. As though there is no other version of events.

Even as my eyes were closing on their own, I did not want to put this captivating 'memoir' down; the 537 pages come and go as if there were only 250. Toward the end, you begin to feel a part of Henry and Clare's lives. You were right there as they struggled, as they triumphed. When they were scared, you were scared. I cried through the final 30 pages, as they cried.

The entire novel was a great and wonderfully told adventure. And then it ended. Abruptly and anti-climacticly. I was disappointed and left wanting more. I never wanted, or ever expected, a fairy-tale ending, where the two of them end up happily ever after, but goodness....

At any rate, it was fantastic book; I highly recommend it. The amount of detail that was created is absolutely amazing: the circumstances of how, when, and why he travels. A movie was made based on it, and the movie versions are never as good, especially after reading the book that is packed full of so many more details and description, however, I am interested to watch it. I am always curious to see how they compare, how they filmmakers have interpreted the story.

On this same note, time traveling would be amazing!
I have always wished I could go into the past to be able to witness momentous events, or significant monuments that are no longer. Could you imagine it? Like a field trip for your history class.


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