La Danse

Tonight, I saw La Danse at Cinema 21, combining my loves: foreign films, french language, and ballet
The film is documentary-style about the Paris Opera Ballet and was very enjoyable, although quite long. To have an inside look into what goes on behind the scenes of these productions is very interesting, but takes away so much of the beauty....
Thankfully they did show the performances at the end and they are so impressive; these dancers are just phenomenal. The way they are able to make their bodies appear to be 'limp' and relaxed while actually having full control and are completely flexed, in preparation for their next movement. It is purely magical.
The amount of precision that goes into the choreography is immense. Every move must be perfect and the criticism that these incredible performers endure is nothing short of amazing.

I love to do my own style of ballet in the kitchen/living room/bedroom, which is the very opposite of exact; I just love to twirl and stand on my tippy-toes, kicking my legs out, believing that I look just like them...and Im happy to continue doing so.


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