"Hey everybody! Come and see how good I look!"

Its a very narcissistic thing, to blog. Feeling that everyone is hanging on to your every word.
Well, my life is really not that interesting but I do believe that its good to put your thoughts down, be it on paper or in cyber-space. I dont have much to hide, and figure some of what Im feeling/thinking/wondering may be what some of you are feeling/thinking/wondering so we might as well be in it together, right??

I announced the existence of this blog to the world --- well... at least to my friends --- tonight.
If some of you don't know, the title of this post is from one of my favorite movies, also starring Will Farrell (do you see a recurring theme here??) : Anchorman.
And if you didn't, in fact, know this, you should go out and rent/redbox/netflix it. In it, his character is a famous, very narcissitic, local anchorman in the '70s...I hope you like it as much as I do

The decision to make it known so late after actually starting it is not necessarily because I didntwant to share it, but it's a little bit awkward (and arrogant, as I said) to ask/tell people to come check out what I have to say... Also, I admit, it has a little bit to do with the fact that I wanted to have a few posts 'published' by the time people knew about it so they would have a little more to look at. Like anyone cares! Narcissistic.

Speaking of being narcissistic (I guess it is the subject of the day) ..... I feel that way also when I talk to guy at work, or he is/becomes a regular customer. We talk and make a connection and then I think 'he Likes me!' There is really no reason I should believe this person likes me any more than for the fact that we had a nice conversation and are friendly and cordial to each other.
However, if that person does like me, how am I supposed to know?? I'm at work and cant really do much about it - I feel like that is pretty unprofessional, and even more so, just awkward, to 'flirt' or carry on in front of your friends and co-workers when you're supposed to be working.
But I wonder how many times.... again, here comes the narcissism: I wonder how many times someone was actually trying to "get something going" and I either didn't pick up on it, or just plain didnt do anything about it for fear of the rejection if that was not the intention, and acting non-chalant.

well. on that note....


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