So This is Christmas...

The past few days have been a whirlwind of working, last minute shopping (that's what I get for waiting until the last minute), and get togethers.
But it has been wonderful. I love having Tarah home, and even though the whole family is all living under the same roof it has not been tense...

Christmas Eve we had Grandma and Papa over to our house for dinner and even though I was exhausted from working early mornings the previous several days, the evening was very fun and filled with laughter. Just get Tarah and I together and let the laughter begin. <3

We had a fantastically leisurely Christmas morning, drinking coffee and mimosas, opening presents and stockings. Our tradition of going to a movie carried over this year and we saw "Up in the Air" with George Clooney, before going back to Papa and Grandma's house for dinner and a few more presents -- we're so spoiled!
The movie was not Clooney's best, and although it was entertaining, it left me feeling uncertain whether it was uplifting or just depressing. And we all agreed that the ending left much to be desired....

Overall Christmas this year was great. I just can't believe the year is already almost over and that it's almost 2010!


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