be the change you wish to see in the world

Tonight as I was walking home, running a list in my head of all the things I wanted to do, tallying up the minutes before I ran off to my next thing, a woman was about to pass me going the other way. 
She called out to me; I couldn't understand what she said. It was dark and she was just a figure of a person, and slurring. I finally made out the words she was saying; she asked me to help her across the street, pointing behind me. 
I had just come from that street she was trying to cross; I was going the other way. I almost told her no, to find someone else to help her. 

She was a bit older, maybe 50, and her tongue protruded from her mouth when she spoke, which caused her slurring. 
I looked back toward that street and reasoned with myself that it was only a block to go back. So I said I would walk with her, help her across the street. And that tiny, seemingly insignificant moment will forever be etched in my memory as one of the most significant moments of my life. 

I almost told her no.

When did I become so mistrustful? So selfish?!

It took me five minutes to turn around and walk with this woman, something that would have taken her 30 minutes as she stood, terrified, at the street corner, unable to cross on her own. It took me five minutes to give someone something they needed that didn't cost me anything at all. 

I think of myself as a kind, compassionate person that would go out of my way to help people. I just finished writing a volunteer application stating that I love helping people. And I almost told this woman that I couldn't help her. 

I helped her tonight, but you know what? As cliched as it sounds, she helped me so much more. 


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