oh my, how this year flew by.

actually, looking back at it, it feels like the beginning of the year was a completely different year, or even era. and I feel like a completely different person.

The first part of the year was a tough one. Some of the darkest moments of my entire life, maybe, happened in those first few months.

But you know what?

It brought me to where I am now, at the end of the year: stronger and probably the truest version of myself. I couldn't have gotten here without those very hard-learned lessons.

At the beginning of the year I said my goals for the year were to become financially stable, and to ask for what I want and speak up for myself (which turned into a sort of dont-take-any-shit-from-anyone battle cry).

I feel like I definitely accomplished those goals.

I may not have made all the right decisions this year, I may have been selfish and cutthroat at times but I am glad I did what I did. It all led me to right here. And right here is exactly where I'm meant to be right now.

I don't have a lot of goals for next year other than training for and completing the handful of half-marathons I'm signed up for, the tri I'm not (yet) signed up, and the South Sister mountain summit I have planned. And being the best maid of honor ever :)

Mostly my goal this year is to turn 30 the happiest, most complete version of myself I can be.

My real goals for the year are to think less and enjoy more. Be kinder, smarter, stronger, truer. Laugh more, love more, and live more. Be more calculated yet more relaxed, more cautious yet take more risks. Be happier, healthier, more present. And most of all just be.

It's gonna be the best 2014 ever. I can't wait to start it.


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