give care

I am such a caregiver.

sometimes I resent that fact - sometimes I feel like I get taken advantage of by taking on that role or when Im in that role....  - but the truth is, I gravitate towards taking care of people, even if it's just noticing someone is feeling sad (or whatever) and smiling at them to make them feel better.

it makes my heart SOAR.
(as cheesy as that sounds)

I don't know if I could take care of people all day everyday in an occupational way, but I love taking care of people everyday.

I feel like I am a pretty good person in general, but we all have our moments of selfishness and disinterest, but I'm really trying to take an interest in everyone I encounter.
We all need that. That connection, that validation.

Sometimes I disregard people's emotions and feelings (we all do, really) because I feel that person is just being dramatic and wanting the attention and I dont want to feed that "bad" attention.
But you know what? We all need to vent sometimes, and we all need to feel heard and valued and just giving that little bit of attention could make that person's day or help them ease whatever it is that's going on behind that statement or so-called "show."

and so, Im making a big effort to take the time to really SEE people, recognize them, appreciate them.
because we all need to give care.
and kindness is contagious and maybe it will just catch on and help make the world a better place.
at least it doesnt hurt to try.


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