Managing time

Managing time is easy.
In the planning stage, at least.

I love making lists, planning out my days and weeks. I am really busy - and love to be - so I am always trying to organize everything around each other and then fit the extras in around that. It's the following through that I have trouble with....

I think sometimes I start running my list in my head and all of the sudden, I'm overwhelmed and exhausted just thinking about what I need to do. When in fact most things are quick and simple, thinking about them all at once makes me feel like there just wont be any time for it all (in a southern belle accent).

Then I waste time with other things to "decompress" and end up with even less time for those things on my list and push them to tomorrow (just like that old saying that "tomorrow is the busiest day of the week"), thus starting the whole thing over, when I could have just

I have been trying to adopt the motto of
don't put off 'til tomorrow what you can do today.

It has helped me to realize that I am putting things off when I can quickly take the time to do them. And hopefully soon I will be able to just do it, without having to think about it, or remind myself. Baby steps.

But that is my challenge for the month of March: to take care of myself by not overextending or overscheduling, but making time for cooking and eating well, exercise and relaxation; to organize, plan and follow through! I think this is going to be a great challenge.


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