excuses ain't gonna hold me down

I love winter but I am really ready for it to be over.
I have a hard time looking forward to spring because, generally, it is my LEAST favorite season. Maybe it's just because Im from Portland but spring to me is non-stop rain and allergies.

BUT spring is also warmer and at this point I will take a little warm(er) rain over being freezing all the time.

Normally I would say I prefer the other way around - and that is still true - but I have been hibernating from the cold all winter and I'm starting to get the spring itch for new life.
I know it's kind of obvious but when I say I have been hibernating I mean that I havent been doing anything, wanting to sleep (or at least be snuggled in my bed) all the hours Im not at work (and many of the hours I am at work, actually), eating too much "comfort food" and not exercising as much as my body would like, just because of pure laziness and for fear of going out in the cold.
I havent even been going to the gym because I dont want to change into my gym clothes, Im too cold! I always warm up and always feel a million times better afterwards, but the prospect of getting undressed in a frigid locker room when Im already shivering with numb, purple hands does NOT sound appetizing.

However, after lazing around, not even getting anything done, and feeling worse not better, my anxious legs have started screaming at me to MOVE, already so Im forcing myself to brave the cold and run outside, go to the gym despite dreading the changing factor.

Springtime, here we come!


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