Naps are wonderful...but dangerous

Naps are truly wonderful; one of life's simple pleasures.

Despite the desire to take them often, I try to avoid taking them because of the fact that they usually turn into 3-hour sleeps rather than rejuvenating rests. and then I cant sleep when its actually time to sleep. Maybe it's because I often wait until Im SO tired that I cant hold my head up or my eyes open any longer; the point of utter exhaustion that requires hours upon hours of sleep just to return to an inkling of normalcy.

Like I said, I love naps. But they are dangerous.
its funny how when you're overly tired, sometimes you cant go sleep. ...or are just past that point of realizing you need to sleep.

Sometimes I feel like a kid in that respect: I get so tired and know I should go to sleep but don't want to for whatever reason. Isn't it funny how that happens?


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