I still *heart* Mississippi Studios... and now Galaxy Farm

I ♥ ♥ ♥ Mississippi Studios!

I haven't been since they opened BarBar next door and Im not sure if it was BarBar, the warm summer night, or the young bands playing but the ol' M.S. was crawling with a much different crowd last night. Different than the older, neighborhood group; this group was young, fraternity-ish and loving every minute!

I went out for fun last night.
....Let me clarify: every night I go is fun, but some nights I work while having fun and last night I went out purely to enjoy the music on my own.

....or so I thought.

We went out to see Galaxy Farm, an up-and-coming band that I just so happened to hear about because my sister, Tarah, knows one of the band members. They sounded good on their myspace and, they were playing at Mississippi Studios which, as I have said before, I love! So we went to check them out.

and I LOVED them!

Great songs, great energy, incredible sound.... everything was fantastic.

So naturally... on my night off... I decided to write about them! And in my prolonged excitement after I got home, I wrote the entire article right then and there. ...Usually Im too exhausted to write after I get home at midnight! (I'm old)
"Reminiscent of Jack’s Mannequin meets Muse, the ferocity of Galaxy Farm’s sound would make anyone believe the trio had been swallowed by anger and anguish. But then you catch Hicks smiling mid-song, seemingly out of nowhere, and when they speak to the crowd between songs, you instantly feel like you’ve known them forever. ..."
Read the rest of the article on Oregon Music News and check out their e.p., available in exchange for your email address on their myspace (I can't stop listening to it!). Once you've fallen in love with their e.p. go see them live; you have no idea.


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