Affection Across Borders

It's funny, I never really realized it until today but affection is one of those natural instincts that is expressed in the same ways no matter where in the world you live, no matter what circumstances you were born into; really just across the board.

This is a pretty obvious observation, I know, and Im sure I noticed it before but I guess never really put much thought into it.
People from all over, with any kind of socio-economic background: everyone. Everyone holds hands. Everyone snuggles and nuzzles. Everyone kisses in pretty much the same way to show their affection.

I guess that's kind of mind-blowing (maybe just to me; or maybe just to me, today) that that is one of the only things that spans the globe and something that everyone shares in common in the world.

See? We're not so different after all ♥


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