Respect. Everyone wants it, most deserve it, but can it be demanded?
I personally dont believe it can be. Sure, you can try demanding respect, but many times that "respect" will not be sincere.
Respect must be earned, and sometimes that can take time... and most of all: patience.

It is tough moving into a new position. I think it's even more difficult being promoted within the same department or store, becoming a superior to your once-peers, but going to a new workplace and having to assert your authority as you prove yourself is just as challenging.
There is not one specific method for solving this problem since each situation is completely different and thus the solution will vary for each, but I do believe that respect comes from time. And the important thing to remember is that it must be given in order to be received!

Sometimes trying to demand respect produces the opposite result and coworkers will "revolt" even more against the one in power, just out of spite, and stubbornness.
Its like the saying about the harder one tries to hold onto something, the more it slips away.... (is that actually a saying??? haha!)

I wish things were easier in terms acceptance of power division, but the term power struggle wouldnt exist if there was no such problem.... but are we better for it? or is it all just a bunch of unnecesary drama?


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