"I haven't had any breakfast...."

me: "an egg sandwich....?"
C: "no, I'll have a glazed doughnut."

Nothing kills me more than that statement.

...Okay, except parents giving in to their kids every wish/ desire/ demand. Nothing kills me more than that! a 70-pound child does not need an entire apple fritter AND a hot chocolate! They won't like you more because you give in when they scream. They will respect you less.

but back to the adults, who actually know better.

I get that it's cheap. You're hungry. But please think about what you are doing. There is absolutely no nutrition in a doughnut, or a butter croissant, or a scone. Yes, they are delicious, but 1) it will not fill you up: you will be hungry again in an hour. 2) there is no protein! it will not sustain you throughout the day. Especially if you are not going to be able to eat again for the rest of the day. Your brain will turn to mush, no matter how much coffee you drink!

I felt a little bad about it afterwards, but I 'lectured' some guys about it the other day, doing this exact thing.... not really lectured, just told them they needed protein. and their response was: well, we are going hiking.
I dont care that you are going to burn it off (which is good!) - especially if you are going hiking you need protein to keep your body running at top performance.

I apologized and said I shouldn't meddle, but I do feel like lecturing more people. Maybe then people wouldn't walk around like such zombies...


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