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dirty fucking smokers: a rant

I actively choose not to smoke cigarettes. Not because it's expensive (even though it is) or because it's addicting (even though it is) or because it's disgusting (even though it is) - but because I don't want to fill my lungs with filth and garbage and risk lung cancer or emphysema. I am very particular about what I put in my body and disgusting chemicals that have absolutely no benefits and only detriments are not welcome anywhere near me. Just because you fucking don't care about your heath or your lungs or the longevity of your life DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN JEOPARDIZE MINE! You fucking selfish asshole. When I came home from Germany back to the states and was old enough to go out to bars, I remember I would go out places for fun but would come home REEKING of cigarette smoke so badly I would have to hang my jackets outside to let them air out for days because the smell was so bad. Soon, I refused to attend any events that would likely be smoke-filled because I c...

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