Winter is hard. But it never lasts

I love winter. Scarves and coziness by fires and the calm beauty of stark trees and snow. 

But winter is hard.

Every year, I become more in tune to how much S.A.D. actually affects me in the winter.

I never really realize it until I suddenly realize I have fallen into a down-ward spiral of lethargy and apathy. It is especially apparent when life is otherwise very good, but I'm in a funk anyway.... It's impossible NOT to blame the weather.

But then, the glimmer of March, just around the corner... Suddenly boosts my mood.

I don't know what it is - the longer days surely help - but it feels like March is the turning point. In the deep trenches of February, you look out and see March... and you just KNOW good things are on the horizon.
Also, read this post from Chookooloonks that so much more beautifully depicts my feelings on the impending arrival of spring.

Things are lookin' up, baby!


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