31 lessons I've learned in my 31 years of life

I am 31 today.

30 has been the best year and I feel just as ready to turn 31 as I did to turn 30. It feels like each year gets better as I continue to become my truest self with every rotation of the sun; I'm excited what this next year will bring!

There have been a lot of lessons - learned the hard way (always) - I've learned during my 31 years.
Here are just a few nuggets of wisdom I've collected over the years:

  1. Always trust your instincts. 
  2. And, similarly, don't ignore your doubts. 
  3. It's good to know - and go after - what you want but recognize the message that is being relayed in your quest for that. Sometimes, even if you think it's perfect, it's just not meant to be. 
  4. True friends are rare; don't take them for granted.
  5. Make plans and have goals but try not to miss out on the moments right in front of you.
  6. Don't sacrifice your values (to temporarily appease someone else)
  7. Be true to yourself. Always. 
  8. Kindness and honesty are two values that should never be compromised. 
  9. Give respect to others and to yourself.
  10. Your family will be the ones that make you the most crazy but they are also the only ones who will always love, support and understand you, no matter what.
  11. Dream and strive for the things you want - but always be happy with what you have; never forget what's right in front of you.
  12. Being responsible is not always fun in the moment but it's necessary for future success.
  13. Don't forget to make time for fun. 
  14. Always have a "cushion." Life is full of unexpected surprises. 
  15. Don't waste any time doing anything you don't love.
  16. Trust, have faith, believe that everything will work out. It always does.
  17. Always see the goodness in people and the beauty of the world.  
  18. No one else has your own best interests/will advocate for you like you do.
  19. Being courageous and vulnerable can be difficult and awkward and uncomfortable -- but the results are always worth it. 
  20. It's not lack of skill, it's lack of confidence. Don't stop yourself short due to fear of failure.
  21. Surround yourself only with people that fuel you, and who appreciate you for all that you are. 
  22. "Do what you love" is not as easy as it sounds but never let that stop you. 
  23. In the end, doing what you love always finds its place. 
  24. Searching for answers rarely produce them. The answers will find you if you're true to yourself.
  25. Never stop telling people how much they mean to you. 
  26. You will never stop learning new things about yourself. Or the world. Keep it that way. 
  27. Never stop growing, never stop exploring, never stop striving to be the best version of yourself.
  28. Giving back to others will always make you feel better than receiving things ever will. 
  29. Find the key components to a happy life. The things that can both gauge your level of happiness based on your enjoyment of them, as well as transform your level of happiness by immersing yourself in them. Exercise, music, and photographing beauty in the everyday are mine. 
  30. Don't stop trusting people, even when you've been hurt; everyone deserves the chance to prove their capabilities. 
  31. We're all human; no one is perfect. Compassion is the key to life. 

Every year, I look back at the previous year and hardly recognize myself. The core is always the same but I'm constantly amazed at how much difference just a year makes.

Here's to the next year of growth, happiness, adventure, and all the unexpected turns I can't even predict! Thanks for the greatness, 30! 


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