
I didn't sleep in but lounged around all morning.
which was wonderful.

I finished the first disc of Bored to Death (which Im enjoying...)
I renewed my food handler's card (100%, thankyouverymuch)
I organized my g-calendar and started thinking about the runs Im going to do in the next couple weeks (four in the next 4 weeks. all 5ks and one 4-miler)
I listened to Future Islands on itunes to see if I should purchase the album
(and debated whether or not to go to the concert at Mississippi Studios tonight)
(update: I didn't.)

I was in a daze.
I didnt feel all that tired, necessarily, but definitely
I felt like I was on auto-pilot.
As I was driving to work, I had a moment where I could feel myself pull myself out of the fog I had just been in. Like a cartoon, I felt like I shook my head from side-to-side and brought myself back to sanity. (don't worry, I was awake and conscious the whole time I was driving!)

It did get better when I was at work (it always does.)
Although, I did have a hankering (I love that word) for some coffee in the afternoon. I didn't succumb and was just fine.

I saw one of our regular customers that I used to "love" for the first time since then
...and I wasn't even attracted to him at all.
it sort of (really) re-solidified my fear of commitment.
but Im hoping it's just because I haven't found the right person?

I was really digging boys with glasses.
and with accents.
combine the two (and add dimples!) ...swoon.

I also asked my co-worker how she still has things to talk about with her boyfriend who comes to see her every. two. hours!
I had actually been "planning" to ask her (Ive been wondering for a while now..)
but I was glad when it came up more naturally than the scenario in my head.
I still just don't understand what there is to talk about when you see someone that often.
again, not the right person...

I awkwardly played this song for my co-worker, Teala, at the end of our shift.

one of our wonderfully crazy, homeless women came into the store.
She is crazy (which Im sure I would be too if I was homeless!) in the most endearing way
I just love her.

Tonight, she came in and said to me:
"you wouldn't believe some of the dates Ive been on lately.
One guy wanted to go all the way for $5.
...And I did it, man!"

I love her even more now.

my shoulder is a little tender from an hour and half of paddling plus an hour of yoga yesterday.
Gotta strengthen those babies!

I heard this song:
and deemed it perfect for a newlywed's first dance

and this quote:
which I believe is so true!

I had a lot of thoughts
but overall,
today was a good day


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