no slack November

I havent been the best at life lately (I havent even unpacked completely from our beach weekend almost a full month ago!) and it was starting to catch up with me. I have been feeling more and more unsettled with the lack of control my life feels like it has at the moment. So I thought, with the new month coming up (and now here), I am going to start fresh with that month. ...give myself a sort of detox challenge.

Not a detox diet (although that is one component) but a life detox.
Streamlining, getting back to basics, and cutting out all the "fat"/the extras/the unnecessaries.

Although this month-challenge has been being brainstormed for a little while now, I came home in between commitments earlier today, walked into my room and was immediately disgusted. It was no worse (well, maybe a little worse, but honestly, about the same) than it has ever been in the past month (or two?!) but my disgust with it had been growing so much over that time that it just came to a breaking point.

I. could. not. stand. it. anymore.

There was a point a couple weeks ago when I thought I might have left something at home and was going to ask my mom to bring it to me (awkward) but the thought of her walking into my room and trying to find was so humiliating that I made do without this component (I dont even remember what it was anymore...)

I went crazy, cleaning everything in sight.
It hasn't been this clean in almost two months, and, honestly, it's still not even that clean.... just tidy.
I was losing things in my room, digging for clothes (in my *clean* pile!) --- wasting precious time I dont have.

SO, I decided to start this November challenge, I guess stemming from the concept of "No Shave November," Im sure you all are familiar with, and was trying to think of a "cutesy" name to call it instead....
No Shit November -- dont eat shit, dont talk shit, dont buy shit, dont watch shit, etc.

Give a Shit November -- maybe a more positive spin on things... take more care in everything I do: be early, without having just rolled out of bed, ....

No Laze November -- self-explanatory: don't be lazy, get things done, dont lay around during my down-time... (same kind of concept as above)

Non-stop November ---- again, same kind of concept as above: get things done, be productive, etc. But it was sort of counter-"productive" to my point of the challenge. I want to take this month to focus on my wellness, and yes, I want to be productive, but I also want to go to bed early, I want to take time for me....

No Slack November --- PERFECT! this popped in my head and instantly, I knew: a new phrase was invented (if only to be used by me... :))

I feel like this sums up exactly what I want to accomplish in the next 30-days (and beyond as Im doing this to start a habit, not to just get through and be done with):

I want to follow-through on my commitments (OMN, Dragonboat),
I want to answer my emails immediately,
I want to write more articles - on time!,
I want to attend every (EVERY!) PFD practice,
I want to run 4 times a week,
I want to do yoga at least twice a week,
work-out every day (EVERYDAY)
I want to start training with Tarah,
I want to not book every single free minute of every day,
I want to make dinner at home 4 times a week,
I want to write overdue letters to friends and family,
I want to finish at least two books,
I want to cut the sweets in my life - but not completely,
I want to not eat any meat - none (well, maybe on Thanksgiving...),
I want to floss every (EVERY!) night,
I want to be in bed by 10pm every (most) night(s) (unless Im working or at a show).

Basically, I just want take better care of myself and not be a hot mess all the time...
and I really believe that the eating well, sleeping more and exercising regularly will set the stage for the rest to fall into place.

It will be good for my sanity, my hair, my complexion, my energy, my waistline, my happiness.
Im so excited.


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