today was a good day.

today was a good day.

I worked at the Farmer's Market
and there was a plethora of old people, little kids and dogs.
My favorites.

the sun was shining and it was WARM.
it finally felt like summer.

We were actually *in* the sun
and, though it was bright and hot,
it was glorious and I got a tan.

Then I came home and sat in the sun some more.

and drank my favorite summertime drink
in my favorite glass
water with coconut water, mint and frozen mango
...and lots of ice

read my book
(which is really good)

and took pictures of myself...
new sunglasses

then dad came outside and said he was leaving to go visit his mom
so I flipped him a peace sign
'cuz Im gangsta like that
and he did it back

he looked so goofy doing it
and I had my camera right there,
I had to capture it
hilarious and adorable

and then my lips were starting to "hurt real bad"
so I slathered them in sunscreen
....and looked ridiculous
so I had to capture that too.

which turned into a full photo shoot
....with myself.

today was a good day


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