
I'm sure you've seen the clips floating around the internet of Portlandia, the new show that's all the rage.
Maybe it's the fact that I'm ("one of the only") native Portlanders that makes me a little defensive of my city. Maybe it's the dry humor that I can't get past, or the fact that I have never really thought Fred Armisen's SNL characters all that funny, but.... I don't like it.

I feel like it's the type of kitschy show I would really like. So why don't I?
I admit, I should give it more of a chance. It's only the 3rd episode. But every time I try to watch it, I end up just getting annoyed.

I feel like it's one of those shows that are supposed to be SO funny, so people feel like they have to love it.

I know it's all in good fun, but, like I said, I feel myself getting defensive over it. Yes, the people that live here know that it is an exaggerated version... of true occurrences, sure, but, maybe - probably - Im taking this too seriously, I don't think it's a true representation of the Portland I love so much.

But, after not really being about to convey my feelings about the show effectively, I came across this article and it kind of helped me see it in a little better light. Especially the author's statements that "Portland's is the series' target, not it's target audience," and that "at least Portland is big enough, interesting enough, to satirize."

Even though I still don't believe that there is a "stuck-in-the-90's vibe" or that Portland is "where young people go to die," I don't feel so vehemently against the show anymore.
I think Ill give it another chance, and maybe even become a fan someday. Maybe...

And like this article describes, "there's a kernel of truth in it, and it's OK to roll with it."

So... Portlanders and non- : what do you think about the show?


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