isnt it ironic?

I'm not really taken seriously at work: I have to ask for tasks, I'm asked to edit things, but my input is not always taken. I took an initiative one day and re-formatted two letters that were returned into one, using the same words just in different positions so that it made sense, but it 'wasn't usable.'

It has been very hard for me to not have any responsibilities in the last several months, because I naturally just gravitate toward going above and beyond.

This is not to complain, or to brag about myself (which is what feels like is happening.....) but it is interesting how I'm not taken seriously at work but we just had a retreat for a couple days at a hotel across the street and, though I am lowest "on the totem pole," the catering staff would ask me (!) if we were ready for lunch, or where to put things.

I don't know if it has anything to do with the fact that I naturally fall into leadership roles, or if it's just because I have worked in the service industry (forever) and just have that connection, or if, because I have the least responsibilities at work, I was the one that was most focused on taking care of the other tasks while everyone else talked in depth, but I thought it was very interesting......


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