multi-track mind.

I was just thinking about how I always have about a thousand thoughts and feelings during the course of the day, but by the time I get home and sit down to actually take the time to blog about them, they've escaped me.

I was even thinking about the possibility of carrying a tape recorder with me to be able to note my thoughts for later if there was no pen or paper at the moment. ...but really, would I carry the recorder at the moment I need it? no.
Or I could be like 'Ross' from Friends and call myself, leaving a voicemail with the important information. :)

But it all comes back to the fact that I have a thought and then it disappears. Always reappearing, just not usually at the most opportune times.
I was thinking about all of this earlier today..... And then I saw this:
Scientists say our ability to focus is being undermined by bursts of information from e-mail and other interruptions.

It discusses how, because of technology, we are now easily distractible and less able to focus on one task at a time.
(As I type this, I currently have multiple windows and tabs open, and more than that earlier.)

We have become "addicted" to being on the cutting edge of everything: having the newest things, knowing all the latest news the second it happens - with online news stories updating multiple times throughout the day, and Facebook being a large culprit for our technology addiction: "having" to constantly check in to see your friends' latest posts, and updating your own.

The seamlessness of the internet is astounding as well. It is extremely easy to get lost online, clicking away, bouncing from page to page, one thing leading, linking to another, before you can even finish what you started.

We're in a generation now which needs, craves new-ness. We bore easily; things are old news very quickly. That is why everything has to continue getting more and more extreme: reality TV, movies with more and more violence and action, etc.

We all do, and I couldnt imagine life any other way than always moving forward....but what does that mean for the future? How will things be in 30 years, for our children and their children? Maybe they were right when they predicted that we would all be robots in the 21st century... just a different kind of robot than imagined..


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