Awkward Encounters

I love awkwardness, and harbor it, myself ....not-s0-deep-down. So awkward encounters are pretty much a regular staple in my life (which I get a really big kick out of).

But tonight, I had an awkward encounter that possibly tops all the others, and had the idea to create a blog of it - a la the 1000 Awesome Things site. So it's still a work in progress; I havent decided if I will keep in third person (like "1000 Awesome..") or have it be actual accounts of awkwardness in first or second person...

Driving home from work on surface streets enjoying the warm(ish) weather with my windows down, I stopped at a stop light right next to a biker.

(I have it happen - very often - where I pull up to stop light next to another car, and look over at the car beside me at the exact moment the passengers in that car are looking over at me. We each smile, but then end up sitting there far too long in awkwardness. So this is similar... but worse)

I look over at the biker RIGHT next to my open window, smile. And then...its awkward. Mr. Biker is right there; there is no second car to absorb some of the awkwardness. We are both directly on the line, ready, waiting anxiously, for the light change. I try to scoot up, but it doesnt help. He is still looking at me; Im trying not to look back at him..



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