
Its so easy to get caught up in all the things that go wrong and let that bog you down, but its important to remember, and be reminded, of all the little, wonderful things in life. Like smiling for no reason, getting a message from someone you havent heard from in a really long time saying they were just thinking of you, listening to great music you forgot about or overlooked.

I came across this website, 1000 Awesome Things, several months ago and look at it every once in a while, but today I took a few extra minutes (like, 60 extra) to go back and read past entries. I havent read each and every one but skimmed the entries by title, and opened and read the ones that really stuck out.... like listening to your favorite song over and over.

They are all fantastic and most leave you shouting out in agreement, realizing that that awesome thing is something that is taken for granted.
If you need a pick-me-up, or even if you dont, check it out. And remember to take time to recognize the awesome in every day.


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