Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day has always been one of my favorite holidays.
I love hearts, I love love, I love pink, I love chocolate... It just can't be helped.

I really love the childhood version of Valentine's Day - where you make cards and give them to everyone you know, and then you eat heart-shaped things all day long. The epitome of happiness, right there.

My Valentine's Days almost always revert back to those ideals. Even when the years when I feel bitter and cynical and alone, I still see hearts all around me and I can't help but be filled with love.

This year, I am feeling especially love-filled and my camera roll will prove it.
Hearts. everywhere. What can I say, I just love love.

homemade valentines
even found hearts in my oatmeal
sweet presents from sweet co-workers

Is there anything better than Boyz II Men? No. Except maybe a Boyz II Men music video: 

Annnnnnd. Just in case you were thinking about texting your ex but weren't sure what to say, here's a handy guide for every scenario:
from someecards.com



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