sometimes, you gotta just do it.

This morning, I woke up and my hip was all kinds of stiff.
I have no idea.

But running was the last thing I wanted to do.

I stretched it, moved it, massaged it.... nothing.
And then, I decided to go for a run anyway.

Maybe, I told myself, that's exactly what I needed.
And you know what?
It was.

Not only was it what I needed for my hip, it was also just what I needed for my I-never-wanna-get-out-bed, I-have-no-energy-for-anything mood.
Oh, and also for my training, of course.

But today, that was low on the lists of motivators.

Anyway, sometimes you gotta just do it.
Nike didn't adopt that as a motto for nothing.
...Even if you dont think you're in the "right mindset" or even when you feel tired. You might actually surprise yourself (it usually turns out better than you expect more often than not), and something is always better than nothing.


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