No laughing matter
I got up at 5:45 this morning so that I could finally try Laughter Yoga
I showered and felt good/awake, but planned to come straight downtown afterwards (so that I would be early/prepared - ha!) so I wanted to make some food to bring and that always takes a lot longer than I expect. So, as the clock was nearing 6:45 and I still wasn't even close to being ready I decided not to go and be more prepared for the day. Plus I can just watch the videos of the practice and be inspired to laugh so Im good :)
So HOW did I get up at 5:45 and was STILL late for my 8:45 appt? seeeeriously?!
Well, I did make oatmeal to eat immediately, and then made a salad and a sandwich for later.... and since I decided I was not, in fact, going to laughter yoga, I did a little freshly invented modern-ballet-yoga in my room, which was glorious, but definitely did not help my natural tendency to be late... ugh (I swear Im trying.... Im at least planning to be early! Now I just have to work on actually making it happen.)
I was supposed to have a physical this morning for the job Im starting on Monday (yes, I got a (part-time) job - yay!). I had the address, looked it up on Google Maps, felt confident I knew where it was even though my boss told me the address was NW and Google showed me the map for SW.... Google is never wrong, right??
Late already so I parked in a garage on the block where it was supposed to be, even though the parking attendant said the address I was looking for was not there (I thought it would around the corner. no problem.) Walked around the corner, saw the number on the building across the street was too high, couldnt find a number for the building on my side, but surely it was the one I was looking for.... Walked in not knowing what I was looking for other than the address and suite number, and that it was operated by Providence. Didnt see the suite number when I walked in so I asked in the first office I could see a person. Nope, not correct. OK, well I went too far the wrong way; Ill look the other way.... Nope. Those numbers were too small, and the little corridor between them led to the next street up. Hmmm.
Went back to the parking garage to admit my defeat to the attendant that told me so in the first place, but as he was checking on another car, I looked at my ticket and discovered that the address said SW 1st! I wanted Naito Parkway. That must have been it. So before he even saw me, I went back out, determined to find it. Across the street, down the stairs, across another street named Harbor, I hesitated but continued, contemplated asking the stop sign holder on the corner, but stopped myself when I saw the word 'office' on the side of the building. That must be it. As I approached, 1750 - perfect! Suite 100 - YES! I made it!
Although... it doesn't look like a doctor's office...
"Can I help you?" Yeah, I'm here for a physical but I don't know if Im in the right place...
"No.... we only do liposuction." Ohhh-k....
Call new manager for verification; No answer.
Back to the garage; tell the guy my plight.... "$4."
$4.00 for, like, 5 minutes?!
"No, 5 minutes, I wouldn't charge. You got here at 8:53, now it's 9:12."
Oh, my mistake! $4 for 20 minutes... Hey-su 'ukkin' Cristo! GRRRRR!
He did, however, tell me there was a 1750 NW Naito...
Of course... Exactly as I heard and wrote down in the first place! (rule #1: always trust your instincts!)
So I raced (at the speed limit) there, already almost 45 minutes late for the original appointment, hoping they would still have time to squeeze me in. LUCKILY, they were able to so I didnt have to come back another day, and had a nice conversation with a wonderful German woman (the nurse) <3>
Said wonderful nurse also reported that my blood pressure was good (so must be at least partially true that letting your anger out helps let it go, though I am sorry to that man who was just doing his job (....but seriously?!)) and then I had my physical.
I haven't been to a general doctor in ages, let alone have a physical, so obviously my memory is not sharp on this subject but it was a pretty awkward experience. Nothing embarrassing (luckily) but it was just a little ...weird; I didnt know whether to laugh or to be weirded out! He didn't really look at me; it seemed like he would glance out of the corner of his eye.
And it was like a race; he was talking (and examining) pretty fast. Check eyes. Ok, ears. Follow my finger, arms up, crossed, behind you. Ok, breathe deep; breathe normal. Check your reflexes. Ok, lay down, check your stomach - tenderness? Ok, stand up. On toes, on heels. Touch your toes. Ok, you're all set! (which Im not complaining about: The quicker the better!)
He actually sort of reminded me of Dr. Spaceman from 30Rock - ha! ...But much more competent.
Im pretty sure it was actually a drug-screen disguised as a physical. But, hey, I got my eyes checked for free so there's something! :)
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