Here's to the best 2014 ever!

It seems like every year feels difficult until you look back at how great it was. Memories are funny like that, I guess. Every year is chalk full of ups and downs that bring us to the next year, the next chapter of our lives.

2013 was a year of huge learning and growing, full of introspection, big realizations and a lot of clarity and truth. I am so grateful for the many struggles and joys this year brought my way, the strength I found in myself to fight for what I deserve, the people who stood unwaveringly by my side through all the ups and downs of the year and those who came into my life throughout the year and restored my faith in the world. It was a great one, overall.

I made plenty of mistakes, sure, and I'm sure I'll make plenty more in the coming year but I'm ready. I don't have any qualms about what the future may bring... I know it's gonna be the best 2014 ever! :) 

Last year my resolution was to speak up for what I wanted and it kind of changed my whole life. This year, I thought that setting a theme or goal for the year would be nice, rather than resolutions... Of course I couldn't choose just one but here are the main ones:

Health. Healthy body, healthy mind, healthy relationships, healthy attitude.  
Strength. Emotional, physical and mental. Kind of goes hand in hand with Health as well as continuing my fight-for-what-I-deserve, don't-take-any-shit mentality from last year, and also relating directly to the six challenging half-marathons I'm signed up for this year.. and the need for physical strength in that.  
Accountability. I have some big plans for this year, and while I want to take on a more go-with-the-flow attitude, I have to be majorly accountable for my actions in order to succeed in my goals. It is also something I would just really like to conquer... Following through on my commitments and not allowing the temptation of last-minute offers to throw me off track.   
Balance. Most of all, my goal for this year is to perfect the mysterious act of balance. Or at least more so than I ever have. Basically all the things I said in my previous post

My "rule book" for my future self going into this year:
  • Make your friends a priority as much as you prioritize yourself. The real, true, quality friends. Don't forget how valuable they are to you. That being said, don't force yourself to do anything you truly don't want to do/that goes against your values just for the sake of being with your friends. Your true friends will understand. Continue to have quality interactions, conversations and experiences with quality individuals. 
  • Live day to day, moment to moment without compromising your goals and long-term plans. This directly correlates to what I said above about big plans and not sacrificing those for something that could happen any other day. Also: plan workouts for the mornings - and complete them! - to avoid these kinds of dilemmas. Morning workouts = free evenings. 
  • Don't overanalyze or stress about little things. Trust yourself and be honest and true. If you do, there shouldn't be anything to stress about. Whatever will be, will be. That being said, don't compromise your values. Stand up for yourself. Don't settle for anything less than you deserve. 


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