
Last year was a difficult one and I couldn't wait for 2011 to be over; I knew 2012 would be a good one.
This year has been great, although not without it's fair share of struggles. (I guess that's life, right?)
I didn't accomplish some of the goals I hoped to achieve this year, but I definitely did a lot that I can be proud of. This year was one of growth and, though it was sometimes difficult, emotional and confusing, I feel like I have a better grasp of what I want and, more importantly, what I need, and

I feel like this year has been filled with really high highs and really low lows. It's been quite the roller coaster. (I'm hoping that 2013 will bring a bit more stability.)

But through all of the rough times, I'm still standing and, although it may not always feel like it when I'm feeling beat down and like I can hardly keep my head above water, I have a lot to be thankful for.

It's really easy to look around you and see what you don't have: a steady job, a boyfriend, a ...whatever, but when you stop to think about what you do have, you realize you really have it pretty good after all....
This year has been filled with moments of great doubt and worries of regret, but also great hope and perseverance and I am thankful that I am strong enough to weather the tough times

I am particularly thankful this year for my family that stand, unwavering, by my side when I'm in need, and who bend over backwards to help me with whatever my struggle may be.
I am so thankful for my health, that I have a healthy immune system and a strong body.
my grandparents' health (although this year has not been the best for them either, health-wise, I am thankful that they are still alive and mobile and..), I am thankful for my far-away friends that can cheer me up in an instant, no matter how long it's been since we've spoken.

I'm thankful that...
I am thankful for second chances, for new friends, for my cheerful and optimistic demeanor, without which I'm not sure how I could have survived the tough times.
And, as I stare out the window at the sheets of rain coming down, I am thankful, always for the sun breaks and the dry spells during the winter.

I have always been extremely thankful, which is why, although it doesn't even come close to my love for Christmas, I have always really loved celebrating Thanksgiving, no matter how chaotic our family dinners could sometimes be.
But that's the thing about Thanksgiving, isn't it? That no matter how much your family is driving you crazy that day, or drives you crazy every year on that day, you work hard each year and make the effort to come together as a family and celebrate.


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