52 days of Summer...

I just saw this posting in my reader today... Only 52 days left of Summer.
And the (non-existent) checklist that corresponds is a really fun way to make you maximize those remaining sun-filled days.

So, here's what I want to do (the rest of) this Summer:

- go camping (on the calendar!)
- go to the beach
- float the river
- see movie in the park
- have a cookout/BBQ
- get new sunglasses
- sleep out under the stars
- hike (maybe a hike that ends up in water??)
- swim outside
- read in the sun (and hopefully finish my book)
- have a housewarming party :)
- ride bikes (I need to get one or rent one)
- go to the Farmer's market (I can't believe I haven't yet!)

...What else?
What's on your summer checklist???


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