I almost forgot how good this felt..


I ran today for the first time in a LONNNNNNG time.
and it felt So good!
It was long overdue and much needed; I had been putting it off because of the weather (cold and/or rainy) and the longer I put it off the more apprehensive I became about it because I knew it would just get harder and harder the longer I waited.
Weird that that didnt motivate me at all...

But today was a GORGEOUS day and I finally got off work before 3pm so I took advantage of it and ran my little heart out :)

I always feel so much better after working out.. but it never seems like a good idea to go outside in the rain when you're warm and cozy inside.

So it was good to get out there and remind myself: a) that I can do it, and b) how great I feel during and afterward compared to when I dont..
...and to get myself back on track for the possibility of running a marathon this fall (or at least a half-marathon).


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